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Colon Hydrotherapy - Myths & Facts


There's a lot of information about colonics on the internet and not all of it is correct or helpful. Many people use the internet to find information on procedures and conditions they find slightly difficult to talk about, and this lens will help answer some questions, accurately.


As with any strictly non-medical procedure, there's bound to be controversy. After performing hundreds of colonics, my view is that traditional medicine doesn't help everybody.


In the UK, a typical GP appointment is about 5 minutes and GPs, however good they are, can't know everything about every disorder. I've come across some great doctors, pro-active about their patient's wellbeing but then there are those that just stick their constipated clients on laxatives and think that's the best treatment.


In my view, the best treatment is one that allows the patient to help themselves rather than override their natural bowel mechanisms. One client for example, suffered from awful constipation - she wouldn't go for a bowel movement for up to two weeks. Her doctor prescribed higher and higher doses of laxatives, which weren't doing her any favours. After a course of colonics, she now goes very regularly and doesn't rely on laxatives any more.


There are also people who say that your body does a good enough job of detoxing without needing colonics. That may have been true 20 years ago, but nowadays there are so many chemicals, pesticides and residues in all our foods and food packaging, that my feeling is that we need all the help we can get!


Now, on to myth number 1...

Myth #1 - Colonics are painful

Actually, no they're not!

Fact: Some people, especially if they have piles or are really tensed up, may experience a slightly strange sensation when the speculum is inserted.


Fact: Someone who is really constipated may experience some 'gripey' cramps. Telling your therapist will enable him or her to introduce water at a really low pressure, which will rehydrate matter in the bowel and reduce the cramping. Drink plenty of water every day and this should help too, and is the best natural detox anyway!


Fact: you don't have to be a hero! Your therapist will do some 'fills' - where the water still goes in, but won't come up. This will increase the pressure and you will feel a filling sensation but a reputable therapist will ALWAYS release the water when you tell them to. Just remember, you need to tell them how you are feeling!


Myth #2 - Colonics can perforate your bowel!

Fact: A normal bowel movement can build pressures of about 1.5 pounds per square inch.


Fact: A standard hospital enema applies pressure at about 2 pounds per square inch.


Fact: A gravity-fed colonic treatment introduces water at a pressure at about 2 pounds per square inch.


Fact: A machine-led colonic session introduces water at pressures normally between 0.8 to 1.5 PSI, according to how the therapist feels your body is responding.

Myth #3 - You can catch disease from having a colonic

Not if you research your therapist first...

Fact: Any reputable colonic hydrotherapist will ensure their water supply is UV, carbon and particle filtered.


Tip: Ask before booking.


Fact: Ensure your colonic is performed using a disposable speculum kit.


Tip: If a disposable kit isn't used, ask about the sterilization procedure in place and check with your local environmental health officer to see whether this procedure is appropriate.

Myth #4 - You will need to be near a toilet for ages after a colonic

Fact: After a colonic treatment, you will feel you need to have a bowel movement. You'll go to the toilet as normal and although what comes out will be watery, there's no 'leaking' or problems afterwards. You can go shopping, back to work or best of all, have some rest and relaxation! Occasionally, some people may find they do go to the toilet more frequently, but it won't be with a senses of urgency - so no problems there!


Myth #5 - Colonics are embarassing

Fact: At Kleen Kolonics, we are as discreet as possible. Our colonics room is en-suite, so there's changing and toilet facilities right where you need them.


We ask our clients to change into disposable treatment shorts, that is elasticated round the waist area. If you are wearing a t-shirt or blouse/shirt, you can keep this on (oh, and your socks too!).


The only 'embarrassing' bit is when we insert the speculum - we need to do a quick visual check for any piles etc... After that, your modesty is preserved.


Myth #6 - Colonics wash out all the good bacteria

Fact: This one is true!


Colonics wash out both the good and bad bacteria as well as any trapped gases, waste matter and toxins. You can tip the favour back in balance of the good bacteria by taking a probiotic supplement.


We always give our clients an oral probiotic supplement after treatment, to give them a head start!


Fact: If you want to take probiotics look out for the following:


Ensure it is a strain that will survive the stomach acid - no point in paying for something that doesn't do the job! Make sure there are no added sugars - these encourage the bad bacteria - just watch out for those drinks in the supermarket for sugar content. Some probiotic tablets, powders and capsules come in a UV-filtering container - no need to keep in the fridge, just out of direct sunlight. 


Myth #7 - You'll lose weight after just one colonic

Fact: We always say you'll lose waist not weight during a colonic.


Lots of old waste materials are removed, and this will prevent more toxins from entering your system, allowing the liver to detoxify more efficiently and your digestive system to work at a more optimal level.


This has a knock on effect on your metabolism and makes you function more efficiently - all helping in a weight management campaign. There are some TV shows where people lose weight after colonics but this is after several in quick succession - not necessarily recommended for everyone.


Colonics should be part of a lifestyle overhaul, not viewed as a quick fix.


Myth #8 - You need lots of colonics

Fact: This depends entirely on why you are seeking colonic treatment.


In a healthy person wanting colonics for detox or for general health purposes, approximately one colonic every three months is enough.


If you are seeking colonic hydrotherapy due to IBS, heavy bloating or constipation, you may be recommended a course of colonics - a few in relatively quick succession, then regular tops-ups.




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