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Please prepare the day before your session by drinking a few liters of water throughout the day (tip: try to do this every day) to ensure that you are well-hydrated for your session. Eat healthy and nourishing foods the day of your colon hydrotherapy session, unless you are fasting. Eating a meal, two to four hours before your colonic is ideal, but no food or beverage should be consumed in the two hours before your appointment.

To save time, we recommend that you complete and return the intake form at the reception upon arrival.

We also recommend that you allow for the time and space needed be in a calm state of mind. Your body responds best to the treatment when it is relaxed: deep breathing, laughing, exercising, soothing music and a positive, supportive environment all help facilitate this peaceful state.

We also recommend additional measures you can take to prepare for your colon hydrotherapy session. The following is not mandatory but has known to be effective in delivering optimum results.

  • Drink 16 to 32 ounces of raw vegetable juice daily. Raw vegetable juice works to help scrub your cells squeaky clean like soap does for us externally. A colonic is like the shower that rinses the released toxins out of the body and away from our internal lining. Drinking raw vegetable juice prior to your colonic helps loosen waste matter in the body and starts the cleansing process in advance.
  • A great cleansing formula could include one head romaine lettuce or equal to that amount in celery, 5-6 stalks kale, 1-2 apples, 1 whole lemon, 1-2 tablespoons fresh ginger (all organic if you can).
  • Eating lots of raw salads is also a great idea as the roughage assists in the cleansing process. We recommend that you avoid dairy products, red meats, shell fish, processed carbohydrates (white rice, pasta, etc.), fried foods and sugar for as long as you can leading up to your appointment. Please do not consume coffee or any tobacco products at least two hours prior to the commencement of your session

We recommend that you include the following in your diet:

  • Raw fruits and vegetables (preferably organic if you can)
  • Lightly steamed, low starch vegetables
  • Organic raw nuts and seeds
  • Plenty of omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids, coconut oils, avocados and cold pressed plant oils, such as olive and sesame oil
  • Raw, unpasteurized dairy products from goats or sheep
  • Whole grains
  • Organic chicken and fresh water clean fish, even organic bison

After Your Colonic Session:

After your session, we will supply you with a probiotic supplement. During your colon hydrotherapy session, some of the good bacteria, along with the bad, may be eliminated from your colon. The probiotics will re-introduce good bacteria into your system. You may elect to sit and relax with us for some time after your session, and have a cup of tea in our spa surrounding until you feel you have finished eliminating, and have fully replenished your system and energy level.

We ask that you eat a light meal, for the remainder of the day. Try to stay away from raw, overly rich, heavy foods. You have just cleansed your system and we suggest that you allow your body the time it needs to rest and relax, so it can go to work to heal you, rather than working to digest rich meals. Other excellent post-treatment dietary options include fresh veggie juice, steamed vegetables, a non-cream-based soup, light fish and soft whole grains. Please try and abstain from consuming alcohol immediately after your session. Consumption of alcohol immediately after a colon hydrotherapy session could cause a stomachache because it is just too strong for your freshly cleansed system.

We recommend that you continue with your normal daily routine or to return to work, after your colon hydrotherapy session. Most people feel energetic, light and in a very positive mood after a cleansing.

If you are looking to continue to make more natural choices, the spa offers a high quality line of organic supplements for purchase to continue supporting your nutritional needs at home or on the go.

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